About SOW Pretty Gardens

Sandy Conrath is owner & sole-proprietor of SOW Pretty Gardens LLC.

Sandy has successfully completed the Chicago Botanic Garden’s professional development GARDEN DESIGN Certificate Program. The rigorous, highly specialized program—which she began in 2020—blends horticultural knowledge, plantsmanship skills training, science-based gardening techniques and innovative design practices, all of which Sandy now applies to create beautiful, sustainable garden designs.

Sandy has been a volunteer Master Gardener (certified through the University of Illinois Extension) since 2019, and has shared her skills and knowledge through various affiliated programs, including:

  • Barrington Area Library’s new teaching/learning garden for both children and adults; involved in planning, designing, maintaining the garden space, plus coaching program participants

  • “Ask a Master Gardener” answer desk correspondent

  • “Hort Happenings” MG newsletter columnist

— Click HERE to learn more about Sandy’s GARDEN DESIGN classes at CBG —

Sandy has been invited to gatherings as a subject matter expert to present on garden topics of interest.

Sandy posts a “garden tip of the week” and other gardening updates regularly on both Instagram and Facebook.

Follow Sandy at #sowprettygardens.

Sandy’s garden design philosophy:

“plant what makes you happy”

Applying this philosophy, Sandy gives emphasis to—but is not limited to—plants native to our region.

Professional Affiliations / External Links: